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Obituary: 30th January 2019, Dr Theodore Mangiapan - letter from Dr de Franciscis

Friday 5th April 2019

Dear Friends of the Sanctuary Community,

I have just announced, to Bishop Brouwet and the Rector, Fr. André Cabes, the sad news that this afternoon Dr. Theodore Mangiapan passed away after a short illness.

Dr. Mangiapan was the eleventh president of the Bureau of Medical Observations in Lourdes, from 1972 to 1990. Born on 18th April 1925, my predecessor always declared himself proud to be the first president of the Bureau born in the twentieth century.

His book "Healings of Lourdes - Historical and Critical Study from the Beginning to the Present" (Éditions Œuvre de la Grotte, 1994, and NDL Editions, 2010) remains an essential reference source for all researchers.

His manner, outwardly serious but very devoted to Our Lady of Lourdes, has marked several generations of pilgrim doctors.
It was he who enrolled me, as a student, in the International Medical Association of Our Lady of Lourdes - AMIL- in 1978, and who gave me the "Creed" after my doctorate in 1980.

Mass will be celebrated in Lourdes for him, during the "Lourdes February Days", on Saturday, 9th February at 8:00, at the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary.
Please remember Dr. Mangiapan in your prayers.

Dr. Alessandro de Franciscis
President of the Office of Medical Observations of Lourdes

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